Eckerd Connects is a leading provider of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded programs in the US, currently operating over 100 workforce development programs providing Title I Youth, Adult, & Dislocated Worker services as well as managing One Stop Operations for regional Career Centers. Our organization is one of the largest national workforce development providers in the country. Through our subsidiary Odle Management Group we operate Job Corps Centers, offering academic instruction, skills development, and career & technical training for more than 4,500 young adults annually.
Many options are available to help you meet your goal. See which work best for your needs or contact a program near you to speak to someone about your options.
Our business partnerships were developed to connect qualified candidates to businesses that are seeking their specific skillsets, cutting down on your recruitment efforts and providing stable employment for our clients. Use the search function to search based on credential, industry, or location to find the program that will connect you to the candidates you need.
Job Corps is a federal program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. For 60 years, Job Corps has been an unparalleled resource to more than 3 million undereducated and unemployed youth and 122 local communities. Job Corps provides a safe and disciplined environment for living and learning that enables out-of-school, out-of-work youth to prepare for and find quality careers in over 11 high-demand industries. Odle Management (a subsidiary of Eckerd Connects) handles the day-to-day operations, outreach, admissions, and placement for centers across the country.
Learn More Online Application Job Corps Info Sheet
Eckerd Connects’ Workforce Development provides career pathways and support to adults, dislocated workers, and youth ages 16 and older. Its one-stop delivery system provides a range of career services to fit the needs of each individual. Additionally, Workforce Development aligns with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and provides all of its employment services free of charge to eligible participants.
Learn More Online Application Workforce Info Sheet
Through Eckerd Connects’ One-Stop Centers, employers can recruit qualified employees from a variety of backgrounds using state and local resources. We also assist with employer training programs, business retention, and expansion efforts. Job seekers have direct access to information ranging from open positions to specialized assistance and training programs. Workforce Specialists are available to access the most recent labor market information and on-the-job training opportunities.