Eckerd Connects has extensive experience working with juvenile justice youth to facilitate behavior positive change, mitigate risk factors, overcome barriers to success, and help families discover sustainable solutions based on their unique needs. Whether youth are at risk of being placed outside of the home (under the care of a Wraparound Program), or they are returning to their home communities following placement in a juvenile justice residential program (under the care of Project Bridge), we provide the necessary services to support families. Eckerd Connects operates transitional programs offering vocational services, high school equivalency, and career planning using a holistic, wraparound approach. All of Eckerd Connects’ juvenile justice programs incorporate evidence-based interventions and best practices, ensuring every youth receives intensive services and the support needed to successfully and permanently exit the juvenile justice system. In Kansas, Eckerd Connects offers an evidence-based, short-term family functional therapy intervention and juvenile diversion program to help at-risk children and delinquent youth overcome adolescent behavior problems, conduct disorder, substance abuse, and delinquency. This national best practice model targets skills and behaviors for positive change based on the specific risk and protective factor profile of each family.