Making a gift by credit card, check or cash enables you to help us meet our most urgent needs and carry out our mission on a daily basis. You have the opportunity to see your generosity in action and also receive a federal income tax charitable deduction if you itemize.
Donate Now!One quick easy way is to use our pre-set-up events to celebrate your life milestones and make them extra special — invite your friends and family to give a donation to the life-changing programs at Eckerd Connects. The money you raise will go directly to helping children, youth and families in your community achieve success. It’s so easy to start a celebration fundraiser and you can make a huge impact.
Start a FundraiserToday’s foster parents provide temporary care for children, but leave lifelong impressions on their lives. Be a Champion for a Child in Foster Care. Become a Foster Parent.
Get started!Are you interested in making a charitable gift that may yield double tax benefits and additional savings? If so, a gift of appreciated stock or mutual funds may be the right option for you.
Ask your broker to donate through:
Broke: Merrill Lynch
DTC Number: 8862
ACCT Name: Eckerd Youth Alternatives Inc.
Tax ID# 59-2551416
ACCT Number: 781-02276
Find Out If Your Employer Matches Gifts.
That means your gift could be doubled or even tripled, creating an even greater positive impact on families and children. Ask your Human Resources department for a matching gift form – completed and signed and submit with your donation to:
Eckerd Connects
100 N. Starcrest Drive
Clearwater, FL 33765
Attn: Fund Development
As a Thrivent member, you are able to give back and act generously. Eckerd Connects is a Thrivent Choice recipient organization, and you are now able to direct your Thrivent Choice dollars to us. Click here to learn more.
IRA owners age 70½ or over has the option to transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year. QCDs offer eligible older Americans a great way to easily give to charity before the end of the year. Moreover, for those who are at least 72, QCDs count toward the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.
Why consider this gift?
For more information about QCDs, visit the IRS website:
Learn MoreTip: It’s important that you let us know of your gift because most retirement plan administrators do not provide us with the name of the person doing the gifting.
You can include Eckerd Connects in your will or living trust by…
With this gift, you maintain complete control of your assets during your lifetime, and can save on income, capital gains, and estate taxes.
Suggested Bequest Language
To leave your gift to Eckerd Connects, please use the following language:
“After taking care of all expenses, debts and other specific provisions, I give, devise and bequeath ___ percent of the rest and residue [or $___ if a specific amount] to Eckerd Connects, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Florida, Tax ID #59-2551416, currently with administrative offices at 100 Starcrest Drive, Clearwater, FL 33765.
Many opportunities available for personal or business exposure through our event sponsorship or becoming a National Inspirational Sponsor.
Upcoming Events Sponsor a Campaign
Mentoring provides youth with promise and untapped abilities with support and guidance about life, education and career goals. Connect with one of our programs near you to see what volunteer or mentoring opportunities they have.
Find Program Near YourFrom gently used apparel to a week stay at a time share, are items we can use at Eckerd Connects to help our families in our community. You may reach out to a local program near you to learn what items they are in need of or you can initiate your in-kind donation on the form below.