Youth looking for summer employment should stop by Eckerd Connects Workforce Development Open House
Even with unemployment in Duval County below the national average (3.6% locally vs. 3.9% nationally), many Jacksonville residents, especially young people, still find themselves starting the summer without a job. That is why Eckerd Connects Workforce Development Jacksonville is holding an open house event on Wednesday, June 13 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. as a way to help people during their job search. The event will take place at the Eckerd Connects office at 1301 Myrtle Ave. in Jacksonville.
Although unemployment rates are low overall, the national unemployment rate for youth between the ages of 16 and 19 is at 12.9%, and for young adults between 20 and 24, it is at 6.9%,”
“These numbers prove to us that there are quite a few young people in the Jacksonville area that still need help finding the right job,” said Shellonda Rucker, Florida Operations Director for Eckerd Connects Workforce Development. “This event is an opportunity to introduce these young people to our program.”
Eckerd Connects Workforce Development has partnered with CareerSource Northeast Florida since late 2015 to help Jacksonville young people find employment and pursue industry-recognized certifications that align with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). To date, they have helped over 250 young adults find a better future. Of that total, nearly 170 have found employment or have enrolled in college or the military. Eckerd Connects continues to help more than 80 young adults find their better future. And they are hoping to help another 135 young adults over the next 12 months.
Eckerd Connects provides more than just job placement and college enrollment assistance. It also offers:
- Pre-employment skills training (resume development, interviewing, leadership skills, and financial literacy)
- Assistance with earning a high school diploma or GED
- Industry certification scholarships
- Paid eight-week internships
The June 13 event will also include a Success Luncheon, where current program participants who have obtained jobs, entered college or the military, or have taken other positive measures toward their future success will be honored.
The next training class will begin on Friday, June 22, 2018. A July class is also available.