Young Mom Starts Career in Hospitality through Eckerd Connects
Raven came into Eckerd Connects Workforce Development as a young mother who had recently dropped out of high school.
Raven had a limited employment history and was unsure of her career path. She knew, however, she needed to earn her diploma in order to support herself and her child.
While in the program, Raven completed YESS training and earned a SafeStaff occupational certificate. She then went on to participate in a paid internship with Dominick’s Catering, in an effort to increase her skills. After her internship, Raven put all her efforts into studying hard. She successfully passed all 4 GED exams and earned her GED Diploma in September 2017.
Raven is now enrolled in post secondary education classes at Indian River State College. She is seeking her Associate of Science degree in Hospitality & Tourism Management.