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Save the Date
Friday, May 2nd, 2025 | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Join us for an evening of fun, food, games, and entertainment. All to benefit youth and families served by Eckerd Connects’ housing and prevention programs in Brevard and Osceola counties.
The Oasis at Palm Shores | Melbourne, FL
Admission: $125/per person
Dress Code: Elegant attire
Sponsorship Opportunities
Online Registration: Coming Soon!
About Eckerd Connects’ Family Support Services: Eckerd Connects’ Family Support Services provides case management and financial assistance to individuals and families who have an identified history of substance misuse and are currently experiencing homelessness or are at imminent risk of homelessness in Brevard County, Florida. Our services are aimed at preventing homelessness, reducing the length of time families remain homeless, and combatting resulting or existing substance misuse issues. Additionally, we also provides FREE Parenting Education classes for adults who are in treatment and/or recovery for substance use, and who are in parenting relationships with children in Brevard County, Florida.
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About Eckerd Connects’ Prevention Program: Eckerd Connects’ prevention services build resilient youth through school based activities. Helping youth improve individual coping skills to prevent future misuse of substances. Our programs are in 14 public schools serving over 3,000 students this year in Brevard and Osceola counties.
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