Lesson Learned
Guest post by David Thomas, 17 year-old Project Bridge Youth from Circuit 9
Has anyone ever taken anything from you? My most important lesson learned in life is not to take things from that do not belong to me. When I stole from people bad things happened. One being jail, two feeling bad and three being kids in the families you steel from may be afraid to sleep at night.
I went to jail for taking things from people. My friends and I did it a lot without getting caught until one day we did. I realized stealing is not worth my freedom. I felt really bad after I stole something and I realized that I wouldn’t want anyone to take from my family. People work hard for things in life.
The last thing that made me realize I shouldn’t take things from people is that kids may be afraid to sleep at night. I remember when somebody robbed our house when I was a kid, I couldn’t sleep because I thought the bad people were going to come back and hurt me or kill me.
I have my own kid and family now and I wouldn’t want this done to them. Looking back on my mistakes in life taking things from others was one of the biggest, but most important lesson I have to learn.
If you have the desire for making a difference in your community and a passion for helping children and families, please contact us to learn more about getting involved as a community advisory council member or becoming a mentor.