Keith was 18 when he entered the Northeast Georgia Paxen this July. He was in a class of three and had multiple barriers to employment and education. Keith came from a troubled background and suffered mental health issues. Only 18, the young man was living on his own and completely relied on himself for support and transportation. In fact, during his time at Paxen, Keith stayed at the local Salvation Army shelter where he was referred to us.
Keith tested in very high prior to attending our GED® prep classes. However, getting a job for Keith proved to be a bit more difficult due to his legal background and health issues. Under our job placement specialist’s guidance, Keith went to the local Vocational Rehabilitation Center and received services for socialization as well as for other mental health issues.
Today, Keith rents his own apartment, drives his own moped in and around town, is able to have better interpersonal relations, and has a job he enjoys with CSC working at UGA and Atlanta Falcons sporting events. Most importantly, he graduated with his GED this past summer and with flying colors! He plans on saving money and entering into a career in technological field. We have referred Keith to Goodwill for the coding classes. These things were not present in his life a year ago, and we can’t say how proud we are of Keith and how far he has come in the past year!