Your support enables Eckerd Connects to recruit, train and support caring people who provide temporary care, love and nurturing to children through our foster and adoption programs. In addition, your gifts fund our community-based services, which support children and families involved in child welfare and/or juvenile justice transition training and employment support, and our prevention services, which promote healthy child development and strengthen families by intervening early in children’s lives to ensure lifelong success.
These and other community-based programs help vulnerable children and enable them to remain safe in their homes while they receive services that address complex emotional and behavioral needs. Your support helps to divert vulnerable youth from detention and residential programs, and it also supports their successful return to their families and communities.
See how innovative and caring programs like Eckerd Connects Homeless Outreach is helping families in need.
When you support Eckerd Connects, you help provide career pathways and training assistance to adults, dislocated workers and youth ages 16 and older. Our Workforce Development program provides a range of career services to fit the needs of each individual. Additionally, your support allows us to provide all of our employment services free of charge to eligible participants.
Across the country, Eckerd Connects Workforce Development is working hard to keep America’s workforce educated and engaged. Through a strong network of community services, eligible participants are taught the skills needed to further their education or obtain jobs in today’s competitive labor market.
See how William Hamm’s life was forever changed as a result of his participation in Eckerd Connects Workforce Development program.
Job Corps is the largest nationwide residential career training program in the country and has been operating for more than 50 years. Your support of this program helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers and assists them with obtaining employment. Since 1964, your generous donations have enabled Job Corps to train and educate over two million individuals.
With your support, students in Job Corps have access to room and board while they learn skills in specific training areas for up to three years. In addition to helping students complete their education, obtain career technical skills and gain employment, Job Corps also provides transitional support services, such as help finding employment, housing, child care and transportation. Thanks to donors like you, Job Corps graduates have a brighter future in the workforce, in an apprenticeship, in higher education, or in the military.
See how Job Corps is giving people who are ready to learn, train and work a second chance at a successful and prosperous future.
When a young person has been away from home for an extended period of time, returning home can often be an overwhelming experience for them and their family. Your donations fund transitional services that help the family during this critical time and make readjusting to their child’s return from a residential placement less chaotic.
Your support also allows our specially-trained counselors to work with young people and facilitate a positive change in their behavior while addressing any family issues and needs. Your support enables this important work, and it also helps us achieve our overall goal of improving family functionality.
Hear from some of the special counselors at Eckerd Connects who are making a meaningful difference for the boys and girls we serve.
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