Fun on the Farm
Foster children are often asked to deal with harsh realities well beyond their years. For many, holding onto their childhood can be a difficult task.
But at Foster Fun Day at Old McMicky’s Farm – having a blast was the only item on 400 kids’ to-do lists.
“It was hugely successful,” said Old McMicky’s Farm owner Ralph Zuckerman. “All we wanted was for them to have fun.”
Every fostered and adopted child in the Tampa Bay area was invited to attend Foster Fun Day – an event designed to promote awareness as much as it is a good time.
The day featured a petting zoo, hay rides, face painting and the chance to interact with mounted police officers from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. The perfect lunch for a day of play — hotdogs, chips and lemonade — was also provided.
For Zuckerman and his team of friendly farmers, donating their time and space to host Foster Fun Day was a gesture they’d gladly make again.
“If these kids could take away that people they don’t even know care about them and want them to have a good childhood – that would be enough for me,” said Zuckerman. “If I can instill a love and respect for animals in them along the way, even better.”
Plan your trip to Old McMicky’s Farm by visiting