Eckerd Connects’ Supportive Visitation Program (SVP) is a vital service for dependency-involved families. SVP is an innovative visitation model that offers services along a continuum to meet the unique needs of each family. Eckerd Connects’ SVP provides a safe “home-like” environment for children to visit with their parent(s). Parent-child visitation services involve families with children in out-of-home placement who are encouraged to maintain and strengthen familial interactions. Services are provided in the least restrictive setting that maintains safety along a continuum of supervision based on family needs. Core services include family coaching, assessments, supervised visitation, aftercare (post-reunification support), transportation, and documentation. Visitation Specialists will assess developmental milestones; promote growth and positive development; and support the safety, permanency, and well-being of visiting parents and their child(ren). Families are reassessed at regular intervals to determine if their goals have been met and if a different level of supervision is recommended. Aftercare services are available to families for up to six months post-reunification to support the transition home and reduce the risk of re-occurrence.
Referrals: Provided by case workers for DCF-involved families with children in out-of-home placement in Volusia, Putnam & Flagler counties.
Sponsored by Community Partnership for Children and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families.