Brother and Sister Graduate Eckerd Connects and Join the Armed Forces
An unfortunate situation
Karley and Lucas were born into a situation that they had no control over but following the traditional school route to obtain their high school diplomas was not a realistic, safe option.
Their younger brother was born with an immune deficiency issue that caused him to be very susceptible to getting sick.
Prior to looking into the Eckerd Connects program both were homeschooled, so he would not be put at a greater risk of becoming sick. The onset of COVID-19 enforced why attending traditional school was risky. They found that our Workforce Development program offered the perfect solution.
Great instruction, less risk
The Eckerd Connects program offers participants small classroom-sized instruction. Even prior to COVID-19, typically 2-8 participants attended class at any given time at the Deland location.
With COVID-19, social distancing practices ensured class size would not exceed 6. So, from something that has affected everyone’s life for 1.5+ years, both Karley and Lucas benefited from enhanced solutions that ensured they could attend without putting their brother at risk.
Joining the military
Karley and Lucas both had an interest in the military prior to joining, like their mother who is an Army veteran.
Initially, Karely was more committed to the idea of serving than Lucas but Lucas realized that it would be a great option for him as well.
Karley started the enlistment process much earlier than her brother; however, due to having a high heart rate, she needed to be medically cleared which delayed the overall enlistment process.
Lucas left for basic training on November 2nd. Karley’s departure for basic training was on November 15th.
A family affair
Karley and Lucas may be the first brother/sister to become a Youth Positive Outcome and graduate by enlisting in the Army to serve our country!
This is the epitome of a patriotic success story highlighting how beneficial the Eckerd Connects Workforce Development program can be for young adults in the areas we serve!