Guest post by Eckerd Kids’ President & CEO David Dennis
“Every child is valuable and deserves the opportunity to succeed.” Jack Eckerd
Founded with love in 1968 by Jack and Ruth Eckerd as “the first name in second chances,” our national nonprofit has served nearly 150,000 children and families. Each child and family has an amazing story and we want to share these untold stories of second chances to inspire every family struggling and every partner making a difference.
Eckerd staff and partners across the country work hard every day to ensure children and youth who are struggling with challenging family and personal situations have the opportunity to succeed. These are real stories from real people that we hope will inspire you to join us as we prioritize the safety, well-being and potential of children and families in need of a second chance.
We invite you to tune into these stories through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, a newly re-designed website, press releases and this blog. We also encourage you to share your second chance story by emailing us.
We look forward to staying connected!