Three Resolutions for the Teen who Wants to Start Over
Among the typical New Year’s Resolutions list is a desire to lose weight, save more money and travel. But for the young person who is after a more profound transformation, the list may look a bit different.
Here are the top three resolutions for teenagers who need a “do-over”.
- Assess your circle of friends.
Are you friends happy to see you succeed? Do they have similar goals? Do they support your desire to better your current situation? If you cannot answer “yes” to these questions, you may be associating with people who may be hindering your success.“Stay away from negative peers,” said Jamie, a teen in the Eckerd Connects Project Bridge program. “The ones who lead you into doing something bad.” She learned firsthand that the people in her circle were the main cause of her living a lifestyle of recklessness. This week, brainstorm ways to begin disassociating from those who do not have your best interest in mind.
- Say “I’m Sorry.”
We’ve all said and done things that hurt the people we love. This can be the year you muster the courage to take the first steps toward making amends. If it is too difficult to speak in person with the one you offended, try writing a letter or sending a message via social media.Apologizing is an act of maturity and can lead to a fresh start for everyone involved. Keep in mind that the recipient of your apology may not accept, and that is okay. But at least you’ve made the first move toward restoration.
- Choose an accountability partner.After creating a few goals that you’d like to accomplish in the new year, identify a good accountability partner. This is someone you trust who is willing to occasionally check in on you. Project Bridge teen Luis shared his goals with a case manager to keep him on track, “I want to get a job, get my license, and take a test to [advance to] assistant manager at my job.” Luis’s case manager encourages him to stay focused, and knowing that she is there is more motivation to purse his goals.
In a goal achievement study conducted by psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews she found that people who share their goals with others are 33 percent more likely to achieve them. Don’t be shy about revealing your goals. Find someone you trust, and open up about the specific ways in which you’re working to make 2018 a better year.
With a new mindset and the right people by your side, there is nothing you can’t accomplish. If you’re looking for even more encouragement as you begin your new journey, visit