Success Stories | Tyler
Meet Tyler
Tyler is a recent graduate at Eckerd Connects Paxen in Northwest Georgia.
Like many of the young adults that seek our guidance and support, Tyler dropped out of high school. With very little work experience, Tyler soon learned how hard it was to gain employment without a high school diploma or its equivalent.
According to Tyler, he came to Eckerd to earn a GED and gain work experience. He stated that he “wanted to stop wasting his life and do something with it.” With barriers such as transportation and the COVID pandemic, one would have expected Tyler to be enrolled in GED instruction for six months or longer. Not Tyler. He was determined and earned his GED in just three short months. In partnership with United Way, Tyler also participated in the Career Compass Academy work experience training earning $1000.
Since graduation, Tyler started working at a local manufacturing plant earning a self-supporting wage. Further, he has plans to enter the medical field or joining the National Guard. We are proud of Tyler and congratulate him on his success.
Tyler’s training was made possible through a workforce grant known as the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) made available by WorkSource Georgia of Northwest Georgia.
To learn more about Workforce Development or to help a youth like Tyler, please visit.