Success Stories | Kaidence
Kaidence ’s journey in Project Bridge began after she ended up in the Juvenile Justice system. She was a troubled youth but many of the problems came from her environment and a lack of guidance.
With our program, Kaidence was able to acknowledge and reflect on the effects her decisions had on both herself and her community. She accepted the consequences of her actions and how surrounding herself with negative peers led to the events that got her into trouble. She created new goals: earn her GED and graduate college.
Within days of earning her GED, Kaidence went to take a tour of the local community college, scheduled the college entrance exam on her own, and recently began classes.
In addition to navigating the college admissions process, Kaidence found a job with a local grocer and has learned when to ask for help when a barrier becomes too large for her to handle alone.
That is why she recently applied for a Success Award. The majority of Kaidence ’s college coursework is only available online and Kaidence doesn’t have a laptop at home to do her work. The only time she can complete classwork is if she is at the library, but she works 6 days a week and library hours don’t always align with her work schedule. Her job is paying for other urgent needs like gas and rent, so purchasing a laptop through her own means is not an option, but would be such a relief for her life.
“If I had my own personal computer, I could do my schoolwork during my own time because my classes are all online.”
Kaidence’s determination has led her to the point of getting her GED and enrolling into college, but financially she can go no further on her own. She needs your help to create a better environment for her success.
Help show Kaidence that her past does not define her future by providing her with the technology she needs to thrive. Give to Success Awards today!