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Through the Kansas Department for Children and Families, Eckerd Connects provides traditional and therapeutic foster care services in Wichita and surrounding communities. There are thousands of kids and teens currently in the Kansas foster care system. They are in need of loving foster parents who can give them a safe and welcoming home that can provide them with temporary care.
Our Therapeutic Family Foster Homes (TFFH) reduce unplanned placement changes while increasing the child’s ability to live in a family-based setting, capacity for independent living, & legal permanency through reunification, adoption, or permanent custodianship.
Eckerd Connects offers free foster parent training to interested individuals and couples living in Pittsburg, KS, or Wichita, KS and their surrounding communities. If you want to impact the life of a child in care, we encourage you to contact us today.
Interested in becoming a foster parent or have a question not covered in the FAQs? Contact us today!