Eckerd Connects Begins Home for the Holidays Campaign for Foster Children
On the heels of a successful National Adoption Month, Eckerd Connects is introducing its “Home for the Holidays” campaign. During this time, those working in the local child welfare system will focus on expediting the processes to get children placed so they, too, can have a reason to celebrate.
Case managers in Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties will work together to expedite the process to get children home for the holidays. This includes extended visitations for children to spend time with their families, expedited reunifications, and expedited adoption finalizations.
Those working in child welfare will work together to find loving spaces for these foster children during the holidays. State attorneys, judges, case management organizations, Guardian Ad Litems as well as families and foster families all join together for this cause.
Currently in Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties, there are 4,658 children in out-of-home placements (including foster homes and residential group care), according to the Florida Department of Children and Families.
If you are unable to foster a child this holiday season, please consider taking an “angel” from the ever-popular Angel Tree. You can even call to arrange for your place of business to HOST its very own Angel Tree. You can also donate by clicking here so Eckerd Connects can provide each of our children with happy memories this holiday season.