Dystani finds her calling.
In all the Eckerd Connects programs you support, our goal is to help girls and young women, like Dystani, develop their emotional and career strengths, and create their own success.
Dystani had struggled thru high school. After graduation, she was unsure about her future, let alone her career path. She knew she was destine for more, but with no one to turn for guidance, she didn’t know where to begin. That is when she learned about Eckerd Connects | Workforce Development program.
Soon after enrolling in the workforce program, she began interning at a local preschool and discovered that she enjoyed working with children. She began taking childcare classes and completed a 40 hour DCF (Departments of Children and Families) Certification. As a result of her hard work, she was hired as a full-time teacher by the preschool where she interned. Dystani didn’t stop there. She is continuing her education and is now enrolled at a local state college.
Every year, we serve more than 17,000 girls and young women, providing them GED and high school diploma assistance, job training, paid internships, transportation assistance, help creating a resume, interview coaching, and help getting into college or vocational programs. Your donation will give them the tools they need to thrive in the world and build successful lives at home, work, and in their communities. You can make an enormous difference in the life of a young adult like Dystani, helping them to grow and reach their full potential.
Learn more about Eckerd Connects | Workforce Development at: Eckerd.org/Workforce
There are so many other girls and young women who urgently need help. Will you respond and make sure they have a fair chance?
To support our youth, please give to our Success Awards: Eckerd.org/donate